Friday, 14 February 2014


*Dear all mosquitoes....please stay out of our way ...&...please dont bite us*

Just days ago when i was reading the newspaper on dengue cases that had drastically increased triple this year in Perak never would i thought my son would be one of the case.

It was suppose to be an enjoyable week for my son Rasyid during the CNY holidays instead he end up in the hospital bed. all started when he was so seriously keeping himself fit by jogging pagi petang around our residential area.

He might have also experienced dehydration due to this terrible heatwave.

The first sign of dengue...sore throat & fever.

His body temperature was very high.
So when the antibiotic that the doctors prescribed didn't work we took him for a blood test.

That was when they found out that his blood platelets were low & he was confirmed for dengue fever.

From then on his blood was taken regularly...even to the extend of 4 times a day.

I was told that kali ini the virus lebih ganas dari biasa & had even cause some death!

Ya Allah!...selamatkan lah anakku....

He was hospitalised with me accompanying him for two nights until his blood platelets had increased almost to normal.

I was so scared for a while when his blood platelets keep on dropping.

I had forced him to drink plenty of water & crab soup... that i'm sure after this he will avoid even the smell of crabs!!

Syukur Alhamdulillah...Rasyid had a speedy recovery!!

So to all the friends out there... if anyone of you experience fever for more than 3 days be sure to go for a blood test.

So take care & have a nice day!




  1. salam pagi leeza...syukur anak dh sembuh...anak2 pabila sakit mmg merisaukan ibubapanya...apalagi kalau terkena denggi.

    1. Wkumslm Kak Paridah....t.kasih....
      Memang risau sgt.tambahan ada kematian dekat kawasan perumahan saya.

  2. Syukur Alhamdulillah your son has recovered, my friend's daughter in Malaysia had dengue fever too recently, she's only 3!

    1. Tq Rosa.....
      Kesian young dh kene denggi. Can't imagine how she react when the doctors ambik her blood. Hopefully she's fine now.

  3. Assalam Leeza
    Alhamdulillah that your son is out of danger and that he is recuperating. Harus lebihkan rehat dan mama dia wajib masakkan yang besshhh2.... hehe..

    I pun risau hal hal nyamok yang tak pergi sekolah nih. Certain time of the day I will kendong a tin of Shieldtox... mulalah I sembur mana2 tempat gelap eg belakang cupboard/cabinet. Sekarang pun I dah quite terer tangkap nyamok with my bare hands bebila I am in the toilet. Ada rahsia senang tangkap nyamok dlm toilet...

    BTW, tahniah sebab bakal dapat menantu. Can imagine how busy you will be..

  4. Wkumslm CS....
    Tq...walaupun dh keluar dari hospital & dh out of the danger period tapi dia masih lemah lg. I'm in KL now hantar dia to continue his classes. Hv to let my maid here to jaga makan minum dia.
    Good idea to spray around everywhere cos lately ni tk tau mane dtg nye nyamuk2 ni...byk sungguh. Agaknye they produce a lot at this time of weather.
    Bila teringat anak nk kahwin mula la perut I upset. Takut nk menghadapi mcm2 cabaran. Harap2 diringankan semua urusan tu nanti...insyallah.

  5. alhamdulillah, dah baik ya anak liza.

    every now and then ada fogging kat area rumah across the road from mine....tau lah mesti ada kes dengue..
    nyamuk sekarang sungguh bijak....dia pun ada mcm2 taktic nak survive :))

    1. T.kasih Mck....
      Tu yg I geram at today tak da sapa pun dtg buat fogging. Tak tau la kut terlampau byk sgt denggi cases depa dh tk layan.

  6. Assalamualaikum :)
    sekarang ni.. pukul 7pm je saya akan sembur keliling rumah luar dalam. Esok pagi2 sementara anak tengah sarapan, saya akan sembur sekali lagi di luar rumah. Takut jugak dibuatnya tengah pakai kasut sekolah digigitnya bebudak tu. Tak sampai hati bila tengok anak2 sakit kan. Alhamdulillah anak Leeza dah sihat.

  7. Wkumslm....syukur alhamdulillah anak saya dh sihat!

    Sekarang ni kita tk boleh lokek dgn Sheltox or whatever....Kita kene terus menyembur kat tempat2 yg byk nyamuk. Kesian & risau sgt bila anak2 kita sakit. Itu pun anak saya dh besar....kalau budak kecil yg kene lg parah. Jika dh dijangkiti denggi doctor akan kerap ambik darah....itu yg kesian sgt!.
    Di wad kecemasan GH dh penuh sesak dgn kes denggi... So take cara...jaga anak2 you. Diaorg masih kecil lg.

  8. Salam Leez, kesiannya your son... I baru je baca n3 you ni... lately ni jarang b/w sebab buzy menyiapkan persiapan kahwin adik I tu.

  9. Wkumslm Sweety....tu lah dlm dia duk exercise pagi petang berjogging terus demam kene denggi.
    Nasib baik blood platelets dia cepat naik.syukur alhamdulillah!

    Wah!...sibuk you sekarang ya. Seronok kan bila ada khenduri dirmh kita.
    Hai...khenduri anak I nanti tak tau la macam mana. Saya belum buat apa2 persiapan pun. Mintak2 semua akan berjalan lancar nanti....

  10. Hi Leeza..
    Kesian Rashid, he was still weak when I visited him.

    1. Hi!....
      Thank you sis for visiting him....
      It's always like that after denggi badan akan rasa lemah & lesu....


    my oh my kesiannya your son kena dengue! itulah it's a red alert virus denggi la ni. Saya takut sgt kt bebudak, kita org tua maybe boley endure, depa .. ya Allah mintak jauhkan! la ni plak mmg byk nyamuk, kt dlm umah terutamanya. Mintak simpanglah terkena. Alhamdulillah yr son dah recover, I boley faham camana u rasa time tu. ok, take care!

  12. Assalam Yong yg sentiasa dlm riang gembira....

    T.kasih....memang risau sgt masa dia kene virus tu....tambahan dpt tau ada kematian...
    Syukur alhamdulillah dia dh sihat...
    Jaga lah anak2 Yong....elakkan diaorg expose kat luar waktu pagi & lewat petang...
    Kesian kalau budak2 kene sebab virus ni melemahkan sendi2 & seluruh badan.

  13. Ooohhhh Alhamdulillah dah OK... Take care all.. Please take care..

    1. Tq...dia dah sihat sepenuhnye....boleh masuk marathon dah!

  14. Oh t.kasih...insyallah saya akan jenguk blog awak!
