Wednesday, 6 February 2013



Sometimes it's better when there's no news... is good news.

But on the other hand if we were informed... we will be prepared... or we might try to avoid it from getting worst!

Just like the other day...when i was told (during my annual check-up) that my fibroid had enlarge to 5 cm. I was shocked cos sebelum tu, last year in Sept. it had shrunk from 3 cm to 1.something. 

Well...memang lah rasa takut sgt.but my doc reassured it might shrink cos i dont have any heavy bleeding tapi...kalau ia enlarge lagi... i've to be prepare for...nak mention pun takut.

My next visit will be in 2 months...insyallah kalau tuhan makbul kan doa hamba mu will shrink smaller or vanish for good!

I guess it's all becos...lately ni i kurang bersenam n seem to enjoy so much eating all those fried food like tempeyek...keropok n ....
Even... i seem to have very good appetite n i'm putting on weight.

Now i'm trying to detoxify myself from all those unhealthy food n replace them with healthy food.....
AND i'm trying to have a positive attitude to overcome this....

And to those friends out there or any doc-in-the-house...might want to share or having any tips on how to shrink fibroid. Who knows it might work!

So on the very same day i got the bad mum in law pulak fell down in the toilet at my sis in law's house.

What a day!!

We rushed her to Ipoh Specialist Hosp. 
She bleed quite badly even tho it's a minor cut on the head n unfortunately she had broke her left arm.

Luckily she's not having any concussion...n for that age of 84 she is still strong.
I've asked her to stay with me but she insist on staying with her youngest daughter...

But after the incident...i managed to make her stay with me until her arm is better....
Her daughter is always not at home...she's teaching.

With her strong will power n getting good attention from us...i hope she'll get better soon.


  1. Leez! I harap u tabah... insyaAllah... Berfikiran positif... jgn ingat yg bukan2 okay. Tiap penyakit ada ubatnya... ya memang agak susah utk mendisiplin diri apabila mempunyai selera makan yg kuat... perlahan2 dulu... saya pun macam tu juga... tp skrg saya dah boleh bergerak tanpa nasi...

    Bertuahnya u masih ada emak... I dah kehilangan kedua-dua orang tua hampir 30 tahun.

  2. Tq...i tak blh tak makan nasi langsung sebab i ada gastric. Sekurang2 nya i kena makan sikit.
    Ya...i'm very lucky...masih ada ibu n ibu mertua. Kedua2nya pun rapat dgn saya.

  3. Oh is so sad to learn about your condition. Fibroid or cyst ni kenkadang kita tak sedar pun ia tumbuh kt dlm tu (dengar pengalaman orang). Harap sis tabah dan bertahanlah, insyaAllah everything's gonna be fine, i pray.
    Your inlaw mcm lebih kurang baya MIL, strong at heart and will. Besar pahala tu kak jaga orangtua, moga kebaikan dibalas dgn yg manis2. Ok you take care ya!

    1. Thanx... i need all the luck...mintak2 tuhan makbulkan doa i supaya lepas dr.penyakit yg bahaya.
      My mum in law ni memang kuat semangat..n so as the rest of her children...

  4. Sista...
    Hope yr Fibroid will shrink, insyllh.
    And sorry to hear about yr Mum in law.

    1. Tq sis...mintak2 gitulah. Memang sukur alhamdullilah..mak tak pengsan or patah kaki. Semangatnya kuat...i think dia akan cepat sembuh.

  5. Leeza
    Insyaallah the fibroid will shrink in no time at all.

    A few days ago I watch a Korean documentary (a 5-part docu.). The lady is a homemaker taking care of her sickly own mother n her bedridden MIL. I nampak keikhlasan on the lady's part (sbb dia tak pura2 bila katanya ada kala juga dia rasa hangin, tension n penat).

    I have an aunty almost 90yrs old. She is living with my sister. I do visit her every now and then.. Bila berbual, selalu dia tanya soalan yang sama dan kadang2 kelakar juga bila dia panggil I nama my doter.

    1. CS
      Mudah2an berkat doa kenkawan...the fibroid will shrink...

      Biasa lah tu at that age memang la kenkadang ada sikit fening....tapi i buat tak tau je. But she's ok...tak byk ragam. Esok2 kita pun tak tau how we will behave when we're old kan....
