Though there were a few unforeseen error, the shows performed by the ahli2 puspanita had saved the day....The 'Golden girls' that's what we called ourselves had done a very good job in entertaining the guest by dancing to the bollywood beats n flirting in the beautiful colours of sarees...Yup! it was awesome..there were big applause n hoorays from the ladies crowd....maklum le makcik2 yg perform mane tak gamat dewan!
Semuanye itu adalah kenangan manis ku yg.masih lagi ahli yang aktif...come to think of it bagus juga... at least my leisure time is occupied....entah le bila dah pencen nanti i dont think i'll be as active as now.
Dulu masa anak2 ku masih kecil n my hubby was sick, my attention was fully on them n my home...memang tak ada masa langsung for other things...tapi bila semua nye dah membesar, my other half pun dah succesfully underwent kidney transplant n thanks to my hardworking , trust worthy maid, my life has change now give me a break ok ...let me laugh a little, ya...he..he..he..
Seriously.....being one of the ahli this is part of my contribution to the society.....

Besides that, we've organised seminars n courses to upgrade our knowledge in religion, health, grooming, computers,cooking n many more....
me, d.feroza, d.noraini n d.hanim
Saturday was such a hectic day for my faiz n dira....they were driving from 6.30 to 11am just to get to
Ipoh from KL...imagine all that long hours in the car.The best part is when they tried to avoid the jam by going to the old road n walla the cars were all bumper to bumper...kesian anak2 mama....
On the eve of CNW, we took the children to an exhibition of Perak Sultanate at the Town Hall. It's a good exposure for the younger generation to know about the origin of Sultans n their lines....
We should educate our chidren about our cultures n heritage... But like many other teenagers,my youngest son, lukman , was saying ma "do we have to go.... we can get the info of the sultanate or whatever from the inter-net " Huh! the new era of tecnology is making everyone to be so anti social....
dira, hubby, me n faiz
There were sounds like thunder storm that very night ........prom pom pompom...prom pom pompom.....roaring in the late night. Well as usual on the eve of every chinese new year n even the nights after that we will be able to hear this same thunderous sound.....i guess that's one of their ways of enlightening their happy year... Same goes with the malays we have this 'panjut' or a number of lights put in small tin cases n we arrange them decoratively, but it's a bit quieter this way! Any way wish all the chinese 'HAPPY NEW YEAR'. May the year be prosperous N JOYFUL !