Sunday 12 May 2013


Terima a simple word but it means alot to me...

I should be saying it everyday but on this special occasion i luv to say it again 
that i LOVE you Ma...

Terima kasih Mama...for bringing me into this world.

Though i know how hard it was to cope with six children n a sick mother in law...but you had remained strong.

And showered me with luv n taught me the spices of life.

Being the last child in the family...i always get away with almost anything...
And i'm sorry if i had in any way make you unhappy.

You are a part of me & i feel so comfortable to share with you the sweet & bitterness of life....

I will treasure some of your dos & donts;
Buat baik berpada-pada buat jahat jangan sekali.

And terima kasih Ma..once again for being there when i needed a helping hand. are the queen of my heart

And to my mum in law...terima kasih Mak...for being such a great mum to me....

I will treasure this legacy to my children and their children for the word terima kasih has so much to offer....

Not only to our families n friends but to our past & present leaders as well...for their policies had made us proud of our country!

Betapa besarnya peranan ibu dalam mendidik anak2 agar menjadi satu bangsa yang berjaya...
yang berhemah tinggi...
bangsa yang mengenang budi
bukan pemberontak jalanan....

The hands that rock the cradle rules the world.

Ya Allah!...lindungi lah bangsa ku...
Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh!

We have reaped peace n dont spoil it.
Love our country & never let it be destroyed...

So have a joyous weekends with your loved ones...





  1. olohlohloh so sweettttt....Happy mother's day to you too kak leeza dear. You resemble alot of your mama masa muda. I'm sure mak2 kita dulu lagi la besar pengorbanan dia dr kita zaman yg dah byk senang ni.

  2. Thank you Yong....Happy mothers day....
    Ya ramai yg kata I look like my mum....anak mak kann!
    Bila kenangkan org dulu2 yg hidup tak semewah sekarang....tapi hidup diaorg aman...tenteram tanpa mementingkan kebendaan. Dan blh jugak hidup aman damai bersama kaum yg berlainan bangs a n agama unlike now we are so divided!

  3. Happy Mother's Day to you too!

    1. Thank you for dropping by....Happy mother's day.

  4. tanpa ibu siapalah kita.
    Happy Mother's Day to you too :)

    1. Ya....ibu adalah segala2nya n kasih ibu kasih sejati. I can't imagine life without her....
      Happy mother's day to you....
