I met an old friend the other day n she was rambling bout losing weight by doing some vigourous exercise. I
must admit i envy her for she had easily lost a few kilos...It 's the other way round for me pulak!
I've been saying to myself before i reach *50* i would like to lose a few kilos like i use to when i was 'younger'. I've tried to reduce my carbohydrates n fats intake n even commit mysef to a dance workout but all the efforts are to no avail. Instead i end up masuk angin, nearly fainted n feeling really really miserable!!
The end result is also not promising either, i manage to lose only 1 miserable kilo...and the worst part is cos i deprive myself too much from the pleasures of food i end up eating more than i should! Must i blame it on my competent maid for doing all the house chores sehingga i meriba jari or should i blame it on the functions n dinners that i've attended many a times. That already shows how weak n undetermine of me to fight this battle or partly blame it again on the age issues.
Looking at my dear hubby...he's been eating like for *two* but didnt even put on a kilo. Lucky him!!
Lately he'd even lost a few kilos ...either his metabolism rate is very high or the work loads n the responsibilities tires him down. I used to ask him the same question over n over again ' yang, do i look fat'? and his same ole answer, ' no you're not, you are ok, gebu je sikit'.....arghh !!!.....Ahh!! whatever it is... i have to face the fact that age is catching up n maybe i'm not strong enough to take the challenge...but i must say i'm thankful for not surviving on any daily pills n that still tolerable to look at especially in my jeans n kebayas...*mengancam lagiii* hahaha!!.
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