Monday, 13 February 2012

Salam Maulidur Rasul.....

During the month of maulidur rasul there're so many programs shown on tv n even 'ceramah' organised by individual for our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW as the chosen one n his life journey.....
Looking at his wondrous personality, none of his umat could ever be like him . And if most of  us could at least have half of his personality than what better place this world could be.....
Patience, forgiving, loving n caring n obedient towards God's teaching are all of his good qualities that we
should follow n practise.
Yesterday i've attended a ceramah sempena maulidur rasul at one of my neighbour's hse, Dato Wira Jamaluddin....The talk was given by Ustaz Harith Fadhillah fr.Jabatan Ugama Islam. Unfortunately there were only a few of us... since it was on Saturday, i guess some of them could have gone out station for weddings or what not....
What better words to express our prophet Muhammad SAW characters  n his  preaching to the people of  arabs during the 'jahilliah' times....
If only we could have his strong character when facing any obstacles that come in our daily it our relationship within our family circle or with the people other than our family than life would be as sweet as roses....
One thing that really captured my heart... whatever we do n no matter  how hard we tried everything is already fated n that ALLAH only knew....but that should not be the reason for us to stop trying....i believe that if our hearts are sincere n redha in whatever things that we do or ask for than there's no reason why we should fail. And if we should fail just accept it n live with what we have..there are others who are less fortunate than is not always a bed of roses..Ikut sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW, always start everything with a 'sincere heart' n an ever ready 'smile' n everything will be fine.......insyaLLAH

Salam maulidur rasul to everyone.........


My first post of recipe : lemon poppy seed cake....delicious! though it's my first time baking it, it taste better when you pour the lemon syrup on top of the cake n let it sit for awhile before you cut n ready to eat!

No not rice again! that's what my other half told me...ok i'll bake pizza then...after all i still have to cook for tonite! We were not having lunch at home that Sunday. I was out lunch with the boys at a wedding ceremony n my other half lunched at the golf club after a golf competition. Pizza is one of my boys favourite n i've been baking it eversince.

before baking

after baking's a little bit over cooked...but it's crispy


  1. Salam..
    U r right there..ikut sunnah Nabi, but in this modern world some would think it's kalut even to do the right way according to Islam..As we normally don't practice what we preach.

    1. M'kum doesnt matter if u do the right thing or not but the good thoughts itself dah dpt.pahala...what more if u do the right thing like what is preach in our religion,my dear sis. Dont care what people assume as long as your good intention in one way or another wont give an ill feeling to others.
